4 years ago 1612
A new p2p, cryptographically secure digital asset, GreenCoin, has set its sights on arguably one of the biggest ...
11 years ago 1442
As reported, Darkcoin rolled out its Master Node upgrade for its Darksend transaction technology. However, things have not ...
11 years ago 996
Many in finance and economics have stated the big detracting factor from bitcoin is it lacks an actual ...
3 years ago 1851
Bitcoin is a serious cryto-currency community with high transaction value, real world applications and a fairly large amount ...
4 years ago 987
Feathercoin, the UK based Scrypt currency, has undergone a hard fork on block 204,639 of its block chain. ...
4 years ago 1148
Feathercoin, the Scrypt enabled altcurrency based in Oxford UK, has issued an updated wallet on the Google Play ...
11 years ago 894
Auroracoin, the “cryptocurrency for Iceland,” will be distributed to every citizen of the country this week. The distribution, ...

The Best Altcoins for Online Gambling

Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency, and it remains the most popular. It has come to define this industry and has influenced every single coin that has been released since. But the future might not be all BTC and there are many other coins out there that are growing just as quickly and use technology that—arguably—is even more exciting.

Many of these “other” coins are known as “altcoins”. They include Litecoin, Ethereum, Cardano, and more. Some of these coins operate in much the same way as Bitcoin and others are forks of Bitcoin, which means they rely on similar technologies and actually grew out of BTC. But then you have altcoins like Ethereum, which approaches things from a completely new angle.

In the above articles, you can learn all about altcoins and the things that make them unique. These articles discuss everything from how these coins were created to what technologies they use and what makes them unique.

To learn more about exciting altcoins, check out the guides above. If there is an exciting altcoin on the market that you need to know about, or if there is a coin that is suddenly experiencing a surge, you can read about it here.