7 years ago 2697
Dash has emerged as one of the most popular digital currencies. No, it’s not as valuable as Bitcoin with ...
10 years ago 2374
In the next few days, the Litecoin halving will happen. About 3 days and 16  hours according to ...
4 years ago 4866
Ethereum (Ether), a cryptocurrency which began trading on August 7th, now offers the world’s first provably fair and verifiable ...
10 years ago 2443
Below you can find the full reproduction of the press release announcing the beta phase of ToshiDesk. Delaware, ...
4 years ago 1826
Marking the first civil enforcement action against a virtual currency transmitter, FinCEN fined Ripple Labs, the creator of ...
4 years ago 1922
Purse.io, the peer-to-peer marketplace that allows users to exchange their Bitcoins for Amazon products and vice-versa, has partnered ...
4 years ago 1785
Cryptsy, a cryptocurrency exchange based in the US has allegedly received a PayCoin Prime Controller from the PayCoin ...
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Jackson Palmer, the co-founder of Dogecoin, has announced his departure from the cryptocurrency scene, citing the “toxic” community ...

The Best Altcoins for Online Gambling

Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency, and it remains the most popular. It has come to define this industry and has influenced every single coin that has been released since. But the future might not be all BTC and there are many other coins out there that are growing just as quickly and use technology that—arguably—is even more exciting.

Many of these “other” coins are known as “altcoins”. They include Litecoin, Ethereum, Cardano, and more. Some of these coins operate in much the same way as Bitcoin and others are forks of Bitcoin, which means they rely on similar technologies and actually grew out of BTC. But then you have altcoins like Ethereum, which approaches things from a completely new angle.

In the above articles, you can learn all about altcoins and the things that make them unique. These articles discuss everything from how these coins were created to what technologies they use and what makes them unique.

To learn more about exciting altcoins, check out the guides above. If there is an exciting altcoin on the market that you need to know about, or if there is a coin that is suddenly experiencing a surge, you can read about it here.