The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) will be holding its second Bitcoin Expo on the 7th and 8th of March.
The event, which spans two days, is organized by the university’s Bitcoin Club. MIT student Nchinda Nchinda wrote on the club’s blog, “There are way too many fields of research going on in the bitcoin community for one day, so this year you’ll get two.”
Nchinda added that the event will have an “amazing speaking lineup”.
Various executives of bitcoin startups will be speaking at the expo, including Chain founder Adam Ludwin, LedgerX founder Juthica Chou, CryptoLabs CEO Melanie Shapiro, and Blockstream co-founder Matt Corallo. Many of these startups have received millions of dollars of funding, such as Blockstream, which raised $21 million in seed capital in November 2014.
A number of developers will also be attending including Bitcoin Foundation chief scientist Gavin Andresen, who has made many contributions to the bitcoin protocol, core developer Peter Todd, Armory wallet developer Andy Ofiesh, and Litecoin creator Charlie Lee.
Presentations will also be made by academics such as MIT Sloan professor Christian Catalini and University of Maryland assistant computer science professor Elaine Shi.
Additionally, there will be students who will be speaking at the expo such as MIT students Jeremy Rubin and Sam Udotong, and Jinglan Wang, the president of the Wellesley University Bitcoin Club. Dan Elitzer and Jonathan Harvey-Buschel, founder and president of the MIT Bitcoin Club respectively, will be presenting.
General admission to the event costs $125, but students of any university are eligible for free tickets. The event will be located in Building 26-100 of the university.
The expo is sponsored by bitcoin blockchain API Chain and bitcoin exchange Circle.
The MIT Bitcoin Club made headlines in 2014 when it gave away $100 in bitcoin to each of its students as a social experiment. According to its website, it aims to “increase awareness and use of Bitcoin within and beyond the MIT community”.